Whether you’re into FPV racing, freestyling, or serious camshipping, the MicroVector (µV) integrated Flight Controller and OSD should be perfect for your small FPV mulitrotor or fixed wing model!
- Built in OSD with COLOR GRAPHICS and fully customizable screens
- Programmable video power control: Turn on/off your video camera and/or video transmitter using a radio switch, on arm/disarm, etc.
- SkyGates Virtual Racing (Experimental Augmented Reality, Optional GPS required)
- Built in Flight Data Recorder/data logger helps take out the guesswork if something goes wrong
Fully set up and tune your µV three convenient ways:
- Windows GUI
- OSD stick menus at the field
- Optional InfoPanel LCD
- Fast 32 bit microcontroller
- DMA enhanced control loop running at up to 8 kHz
- Advanced PID and filter tuning from either the GUI, or stick menus at the field
- Oneshot and Multishot ESC Protocols
- Standard 30.5mm mounting hole centers
- PWM, SPPM, Spektrum Satellite and S-BUS Receivers supported, with 4 types of RSSI
- BLHeli ESC configuration via the µV USB port
- Compatible with most PDBs, including those with built in current sensors (or use our PSU)
- Multirotor airframes: Racing Quadcopter, Standard Quadcopter, Tricopter, Y6, Hexacopter
- Fixed wing airframes: Traditional, Elevon, V-tail
- Add our dual band GPS module for advanced GPS flight modes, RTH, and waypoints
- Antenna tracking and laptop position display available with our EagleEyes FPV Station
- Other accessories include 12V/5V PSU/Current Sensor (using this cable), Alerter LED/Buzzer, Pitot tube for Airspeed, and InfoPanel LCD Display
- UART for telemetry, including ET Open Telemetry, DragonLink, and Taranis (pigtail cable included)
- µV with plastic case (4 screws)
- Set of 5 rugged "pigtail" cables for precise installation